Quality Both in development and production. Guarantees and implementation techniques fully comply with the design and standards in force. High quality standards Industry 4.0 Perfectly integrated for optimized and customized process control
locally or remotely, even with wireless technologies.
Solutions for
Solutions & systems for Dosing Installations built with safety, reliability and full compliance
with international standards at their core
Mixing A well-engineered plant improves every step of the production process and offers higher profitability. Solutions and systems for Engineering Specialized, highly qualified services in step with the technological evolution
and all requirements for your Industry 4.0
Measurement and Testing Advanced solutions ensure a high degree of reliability and low maintenance costs for test rooms, laboratories, and climatic chambers. Solutions & systems for
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8.30-12.30 | 14.00-18.00
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We are committed to providing excellence

We are a company with 20 years' experience in the design, engineering and construction of plants

We assess each project phase with you and offer the optimal solution. We develop a concrete and effective business model, focusing on solving real problems and setting quality, reliability, and innovation as the drivers of your projects.
High Quality
The product and system certifications CE, EMC, PED, ATEX, etc. are fundamental to offering design and manufacturing guarantees based on an efficient industrial organization approach.
It is present and pre-eminent in every phase of our services from consultancy, design, and engineering to ‘field’ testing and trials, on manufactured equipment, data acquisition, automation, and remote control systems.
A team of engineers, designers, and specialized operators to assist you from idea development to implementation, training, installation, and start-up of each system.
From idea to production, to commissioning. An agreed road map to offer certain lead times without surprises.
We offer services for industry, engineering consultancy, innovative instrumentation for automation, industrial process/mixing/dosing equipment, and advanced infrastructure for testing systems.
We provide our customers with a wide range of qualified and technologically advanced engineering services that ensure the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of the products, services, and business processes.
For us, success is more than just statistics. It is driven by our passion for excellence. We propose a concrete and effective business model, focusing on solving real problems and using the leading technologies the market offers. We also ensure full compliance with international quality standards/certifications. We believe in long-term business relationships based on mutual goals, ethical business practices, and the unique pursuit of realizing your ideas.

Guarantees of workmanship

We operate under High Quality

We are committed to the design, production, and delivery of a perfect product based on an efficient industrial organization approach.

Steelworks and Steel Sector

In the steel industry, we have more than 600 certified installations in more than 30 countries. Electro-instrumental gas dosing systems are built by highly qualified personnel and based on first-class instrumentation that meets all applicable standards.

Mixing and Dosage

Our technology proposals are combined and integrated ‘tailor-made’ in order to achieve maximum operatività e affidabilità garantendo assistenza tecnica, supporto ingegneristico e formazione del vostro personale.

and Testing

Our offer includes customized test, inspection, and data acquisition systems for climate chambers. We ensure high standards of reliability, automation, and precision, together with low maintenance costs and redundant management of control electronics.

Biogas and Biomethane plants

We provide turnkey systems for upgrading biogas and biomethane plants. From detailed engineering, design, and construction of piping, vessels, electrical plant, and control system complete with certifications, to supply, installation, and commissioning.

Our team of specialists is at your disposal
Are you considering revamping your system?
We can offer consulting, design, and engineering of automation circuits; complete implementation of dosing and automatic control systems; data acquisition, automation, and remote control systems.